From www.kazcooke.com
The new edition of Up the Duff is out now, with all the favourite features including week-by-week info on what's happening to you and the baby and Hermoine's hilarious pregnancy diary, plus new stuff for blokes, all the latest on medical tests including when to have them and why, what you need to know if you're trying to get pregnant and what to do if it's not happening, help with feelings about post-baby body image and sex, and all the latest medical and emotional help you need, including stacks of recommended websites, contacts and books on special issues.
This book was recommended by a friend... If you only buy one pregnancy book this should be it... The week by week low down is very user friendly and makes for good reading for both you and your partner... Humourous but factual, Mark read this to me once a week so we were both up to date with how my pregnancy was progressing...
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